Today we’re going to look at rugs !

A rug is basically and quite simply a small carpet

Area rugs come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They can be used on any surface and in any room or hallway in your home.

But before you select yours, first determine the role you want it to play.

Do you want it to be the focal point? 
In this case, you'll want an area rug with bold, bright, and contrasting colors.

Do you want it to define a furniture grouping?
If so, make sure that it will be large enough so that all pieces within the focal area partially or
completely touch the rug. In this way the area rug defines the
conversational area by creating a tiny island.

Do you want to use it to enhance the room's color scheme? 
Then select a rug that captures the room's dominant or accent colors.

Do you want it to add warmth and texture to the room? 
Then select a rug with warm, neutral colors.

Once you've determined the purpose of the rug, you'll want to get the right size – not too big and again, not too small. A measuring tape will come in handy for this.

When it comes down to look, material, or country of origin it’s all really a matter of choice and budget but remember that what we’re ultimately trying to do is to bring out the desired interior design impact !


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